Click to enlargeSalon Pro - Hair Care Products & Lace Wig Tape

No matter what style, texture or brand Salon Pro 30 Seconds hold it all together. Salon Pro Exclusives 30 Seconds Weave Essentials Collection consist of hair bonding glue (both dark and white), bonding creamy remover lotion, bonding glue remover oil, glue remover shampoo, weave spray and weave molding gel. All the products have inherent healthy benefits because each one has been infused with at least one of the following: Vitamin D for strength, Olive Oil for moisture, Jojoba Oil for nourishment and Tea Tree Oil for protection and conditioning. Some of the most beautiful heads of hair begins with Salon Pro 30 Seconds!

Salon Pro Hair Bonding Glue BLACK
Salon Pro Hair Bonding Glue White 1oz
Salon Pro Glue Remover Lotion 2oz 4oz
Salon Pro Remover Shampoo
Salon Pro 30 Seconds Super Hair Bond Remover
Salon Pro Hair Bonding Glue BLACK

Salon Pro Hair Bonding Glue White 1oz

Salon Pro Glue Remover Lotion 2oz 4oz

Salon Pro Remover Shampoo

Salon Pro 30 Seconds Super Hair Bond Remover

Salon Pro 30 Second Weave Molding Gel 10.5oz
Salon Pro 30 Seconds Remover Shampoo (12oz)
Salon Pro Exclusives 30 Second Creamy Super Hair Bond Remover 4oz
Salon Pro 30 Seconds Anti-Bacterial Weave Spray (12oz)
Salon Pro Exclusives 30 Second Super Hair Bond
Salon Pro 30 Second Weave Molding Gel 10.5oz

Salon Pro 30 Seconds Remover Shampoo (12oz)

Salon Pro Exclusives 30 Second Creamy Super Hair Bond Remover 4oz

Salon Pro 30 Seconds Anti-Bacterial Weave Spray (12oz)

Salon Pro Exclusives 30 Second Super Hair Bond

Salon Pro 30 Sec B.2 Front Side Lace Wig Tape
Salon Pro 30 Sec A.1 Front Side Lace Wig Tape
Salon Pro 30 Sec C.2 Back Side Lace Tape
Salon Pro 30 Sec AA.3 Earlobe Lace Tape
Salon Pro 30 Sec G.1 Straight Lace Tape
Salon Pro 30 Sec B.2 Front Side Lace Wig Tape

Salon Pro 30 Sec A.1 Front Side Lace Wig Tape

Salon Pro 30 Sec C.2 Back Side Lace Tape

Salon Pro 30 Sec AA.3 Earlobe Lace Tape

Salon Pro 30 Sec G.1 Straight Lace Tape

Salon Pro 30 Sec Frontal Lace Application Tape
Salon Pro 30 Sec Center Pieces Lace Application Tape
Salon Pro 30 Sec C.1 Nape Area Lace Tape
Salon Pro 30 Sec Full Lace Application Tape
Salon Pro 30 Sec Frontal Lace Application Tape

Salon Pro 30 Sec Center Pieces Lace Application Tape

Salon Pro 30 Sec C.1 Nape Area Lace Tape

Salon Pro 30 Sec Full Lace Application Tape
