The 100% human hair from Unique Wiiv products is top-quality. You'll be able to create any number of looks with the premium hair selections available from this company. For tons of versatility, whether you want to braid or heat style your hair, check out the yaki bulk hair from Unique Wiiv. A gentle perm pattern gives this hair a touch of natural-looking texture, and a variety of length choices, from 16- to 24-inches, provides you with plenty of styling options.
Wet & wavy hair is perfect for effortlessly creating a variety of hair styles. Wear this hair dry for loose, beautiful waves, or wet it to create a sexy, curly style. For more intense curls, consider the new deep wave hair, which will provide you with a head full of tight, luminous coils. If you're after a straight and silky style, the silky straight hair is perfect for achieving a smooth, chic look with incredible body and bounce.
You're going to love the fabulous color options from Unique Wiiv, and the quality of this exceptional hair will leave you equally impressed.